Printing Glossary
Back Up: In printing, to print the second side of a sheet already printed on one side. In computers, to make a copy of your work on a separate disk in case something happens to the original.
Baseline: An imaginary line that letters and numbers sit on.
Binding: The fastening of the assembled sheets or signatures along one edge of a publication.
Bitmap (BMP): An image represented by an array of picture elements, each of which is encoded as a single binary digit.
Blanket: Thick rubber sheet that transfers ink from plate to paper on the press.
Blind Emboss: Impression of an un-inked image onto the back of a sheet which produces a raised 'embossed' image on the front of the sheet.
Bleed: The printed image extends beyond the trim edge of a sheet or page. A bleed may occur at the head, front, foot and/or gutter of a page.
Blend: A smooth transition between two colours, also known as a graduated tint.
Blocking: Sticking together of printed sheets causing damage when the surfaces are separated.
Bond Paper: A grade of writing or printing paper where strength, durability and performance are essential requirements; used for letterheads, business forms, etc.
Book Paper: A general term for coated and uncoated paper.
Brightness: In paper, the reflectance or brilliance of the paper.
Bristol: Type of board paper used for post cards, business cards and other heavy-use products. |